MILAN: Asian Studies Group, multidisciplinary association in Milan focused on didactic field about eastern Asia and particulary involved on business culture mediation, negotiation and research's projects among China, Japan and Korea, introduces its last professional collaboration in Italy.
According to specific neeeds issued by Carlo Porta High School in Monza (Province of Monza and Brianza) ASG is going to provide well arranged special programs about japanese and chinese language and culture to promote more conscious formative approach. The collaboration will start officially next September and it'll be presented in details this week, on 9 pm, 9th of June at Carlo Porta's HQ in Monza.
Asian Studies Group will manage the activity of new reasearch lab inside the High School, called Study Center for Eastern Asia, involving first students from Carlo Porta, in collaboration with teachers of the same structure, to get part into language study programs and promoting several study travels in Japan and China as well. About this issue ASG has already concluded several partnership programs with professional training centers and language school in China and Japan.
On second step the Association will arrange special activity on different fields for private users, professional associations, local institutions and companies from Monza and Brianza Area with direct support of business network members introduced by ASG's associative board.
Such synergy represents the first specific effort since the local citizens have confirmed for Monza & Brianza area the condition of separate province by Milan. For this reason the project is considered as important resource to improve not only the didactic offer for eastern asia languages courses on the area, but also to introduce concrete programs to approach on conscious and more specific way eastern asia markets.
Recently Asian Studies Group has consolidate several professional services to support on the best way, with continous and specialist help, different projects development's issues on China and Japan introduced by ASG members.
On doing so, ASG is taking care of direct negotiation with asian partners, business researches, arrangement of specialized courses and trainings for managers involved on business issues in Asia, direct promotion on place and support for rapid problem solving. It also going to continue the good collaboration with Institutional Centers for Invest, Business relations and Internazionalization porgrams in Japan and China.
Last specialist service managed in Italy recently has confirmed the new interest of the multidisciplinary association about Korea Area. In fact ASG, beyond the opening of new language courses for Korean language in Milan, has arranged on demand particular study workshop for companies and professionals focused on business culture's dimension, etiquette, economy system's features and marketing strategy for business relations with koreans partner. The program has taken place last April at Technology Center in Navacchio (Province of Pisa - Tuscany) and has been managed with the direct support of Dr. Adriano Gasperi, Scientific Committee Secretary for Milan EXPO 2015.
For more info about Asian Studies Group or to submit request about our activity please contact us